- 身高
- 149cm以下
- 奶
- 中乳
- 體型
- 普通
- 罩杯
- Cカップ
- 胸圍
- 80cm ~ 84cm
- 腰圍
- 55cm ~ 59cm
- 臀圍
- 85cm ~ 89cm
- 鞋子尺寸
- 22cm ~ 24.5cm
- 髪型
- セミロング
- 星座
- 魚座
- 血型
- B型
- 膚色
- 色白
- 類型
- 成熟系
- 出身地
- 青森県
- 興趣
- ドライブ
- 喜歡的運動
- マラソン
- 喜歡的類型
- ソフトマッチョ
- 喜歡的演員
- 山下智久
- 喜歡的食物
- オムライス
- 大頭照
- 身長 : 149cm
スリーサイズ : B83(C). W56. H86
靴サイズ : 23.5cm
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18 U.S.C. 2257 Record-Keeping Requirements Compliance Statement
JSKY Services, Inc. is not a producer of any and all of the content found on the website.
JSKY Services. Inc. is a video sharing site in which allows for the uploading, sharing and general viewing of various types of adult content and while JSKY Services. Inc. does the best it can with verifying compliance, it may not be 100% accurate.
JSKY Services, Inc.’s activities, with respect to such content, are limited to the transmission, storage, retrieval, hosting and/or formatting of depictions posted by third party users, on areas of the website under the user's control.
JSKY Services, Inc. abides by the following procedures to ensure compliance:
Requiring all users to be 18 years of age upon uploading videos.
When uploading the content, the person who uploads the content on the JSKY Services. Inc’s website including, but not limited to Affiliates, Members, or Users ("Uploader") must verify the content; assure the performer is 18 years old (or minimal age required to appear in such content by their State, jurisdiction or Country if more than 18 years old); certify that the Uploader keeps records of the models in the content and that they are over 18 years old (or minimal age required to appear in such content by their State, jurisdiction or Country if more than 18 years old).
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